

The war never changes

Finished the game after 109h of gameplay. I already miss Mr. New Vegas.

The Killing IV: Legate Lanius

The Monster of the East put up a good fight but I won. Here's some stuff you might (or might not) find useful. I was level 22 with 95 Speech, 82 Guns and 88 Melee. No companions, I left Veronica and Rex at the Lucky 38.

1. While entering the camp, snipe as many legionnaires as possible. You'll find Lanius at the end of the camp, hangin around at the top of a rocky hill where the path curves left. He won't attack you until you've done talkin to him.

2. Apparently, if your Speech is high enough, you can talk him into not fightin you. That, however, wasn't my plan. You can also challenge him to fight you alone, without the legionnaires. After the dialogue he'll make a run for you.

3. I tried a few different techniques at him and headshots with a light machine gun worked pretty well. I also planted a few mines behind me while backing away from him. He'll start running away from you, towards the camp when his health is low. That's when I swapped the machine gun to a sniper rifle and finished him off. None of the legionnaires became hostile after Lanius's death.

a little bit dead

The Killing III: Mr. House

I decided to side with my robot mate, Yes Man and he suggested I'd get rid of Mr. House. It was quite a simple job and lots of fun, too.

1. Take the elevator up to the Penthouse at Lucky 38

2. On your left, on the wall near Mr. House's room will be a terminal that opens a secret door. Activate the terminal and enter the room. When the terminal is activated, an alarm will go off and Mr. House's Securitrons will attack you, so be fast or use a Stealth Boy.

3. In the hidden room, again on your left, is another terminal that needs to be activated as well. This terminal will open a way to the control room.

4. In the control room you'll find Mr. House in a life-support pod kinda thingy. Open the pod, do the dialogue. Kill him. He won't fight back.


Wasteland Favourites: Weapons

My TOP 5 favourite weapons in Fallout: New Vegas
(so far, after 47h of gameplay. I might change my mind later).

5. Maria
Benny's gun. Need I say more? Seriously though, it's a pretty decent pistol.

4. Bladed Gauntlet
I try to avoid close combats but whenever I get in one I usually go for the Bladed Gauntlet. Looks cool too. Hah.

3. Assault Carbine
A nice all-purpose weapon. Works really well for medium-range combat and both heavy and medium armor. Especially kick-ass with armor piercing bullets.

2. Minigun
It's big, it's deadly, it's cool. Rock'n'roll!

1. Sniper Rifle
My most trusted friend at the moment. Well, apart from Rex. I modified it with a suppressor and it's FUCKIN 'MAZIN!

Sniper Rifle Fuck Yeah


The Killing II: Deathclaw

Deathclaws are, in my opinion, some of the nastiest, most infuriating and most difficult creatures to kill in Fallout: New Vegas.

I've tried, died, tried, died and tried and died again countless times. If I was super lucky, I might have killed one or two (and used a few dozens of Stimpaks in the process) but that was it then. Bye me. It's taken hours of gameplay and maaaany deaths to find a way to deal with them. I'm not claiming to be an expert, far from it! But now I can manage Deathclaws. Well, most of the time anyway. Here's some stuff I've found useful.

1. Cripple & Destroy
One way definitely worth tryin is knockin them out with a cattle prod first and then finishin them off with a rifle or such. Cripplin their legs will give you some much needed extra time to kill them before they get their nasty claws on you. Move backwards, dont let them get too close, climb on something if you can. However, this doesnt really work if the whole family is on you.

2. Hide
If you got the patience, sneak somewhere safe, preferably off the ground, (use Stealth Boys if needed) and snipe them one by one. Sniper Rifle with a silencer is a very good choice. Also, it's not a bad idea at all to leave some mines behind you just in case they notice you and start rushin towards you.

3. Level up
I made the mistake of tryin to take them when I wasn't on a high enough level. Don't even go for it before at least level 16.

4. Ammo
Armor piercing bullets should be your best friend when dealing with Deathclaws.


The Killing I: Cazador

What's the best way to kill a Cazador? I've tried about a million ways now and I'm quite happy to share what little knowledge and experience I have on the matter. I dont think there's just one or two ultimate ways, so here's a few little things I've learned through trial and error.

1. Flame 'em.
If there's only 1 or 2 of them bastards attacking you, a good way to get rid of them id to flame them. If you've got for example an Incinerator, simply flame them. Dont bother with VATS, just try to move backwards to stop them from stingin you and give them a full blast a fire. This can also work for a bigger group of them if they're attacking pretty much from the same direction, you can move fast enough and/or got enough Stimpaks and Anti-Venom on you.

2. Cripple 'em
Use VATS to cripple their wings. This will considerably slow them down and then shoot them. This works pretty well with a rifle or shotgun.

3. Keep the distance
Cant put enough emphasis on this one. Move backwards and keep on shootin, dont let them get you!

4. The importance of aids
Have enough Stimpaks and Anti-Venoms on you. You won't regret bein well prepared. Also havin companions helps. They can do the killin, you can keep your distance and take them down from around the corner.

...and save before you try!


Project Eternity

Obsidianin sivuilla kiinnostusta ja spekulointia herättänyt laskuri on viimein paljastunut Kickstarter-projektiksi nimeltä Project Eternity. Lyhyesti sanottuna: eeppinen fantasia-rpg peliproggis toteutuu jos rahaa saadaan noin kuukaudessa kasaan reilu miljoona taalaa. Nyt kerättynä oli melkein 400k, ja summa tuntuu nousevan ihan silmissä, joten uskon kyllä vahvasti projektin saavan rahoituksensa ja pelin toteutuvan. Projektissa on mukana jengiä mm. Falloutien, Icewind Dalen ja Planescapen takaa, joten laatua lienee lupa odottaa.

Kickstarter-sivuilta löytyy muutaman minuutin kestävä video, jossa esitellään tätä mahdollisesti toteutettavaa peliä. Heput ovat päätyneet Kickstarter-tyyppiseen rahoitusratkaisuun, koska ilmeisesti tämäntyyppiselle pelille on vaikeaa saada rahoitusta. Toimimalla ilman markkinointi- ja muita koneistoja koko budjetti voidaan käyttää suoraan itse peliin ja sen maailman, henkilöiden kehittämiseen ja rakentamiseen. Varsinkin isommalla summalla backanneille on luvassa kaikenlaista kivaa: kymppitonnin panostamalla saa muun muassa kutsun julkaisubileisiin ja Obsidianin studioille pelailemaan, tonnilla saa nimetä ja suunnitella NPC:n ja satasellakin saa nimensä pelin kreditteihin. Minimipanostus on $20, ja sillä saa pelin ja määrittelemättömän in-game itemin.

Tähän voisin mahdollisesti itsekin panostaa. Harmi vaan, ettei nyt satu ylimääräistä kymppitonnia lojumaan nurkissa - pelailu Obsidianilla ja launch party nimittäin maistuisi varsin makealta. Voi siis olla että oma panostukseni jää kaksinumeroiseen lukuun. Silti, reilusti alle parikymppiä euroissa ei ole kova hinta rakkaudella ja intohimolla luodusta, varmasti laadukkaasta fantasiaroolipelistä.

Oh my God, I killed Benny!

Seemed impossible to get him out the Legion's Fort alive. (I really did try! But I dont think all the Stealth Boys in the world woulda made any difference) So now he's dead. I killed him.

I feel I've reached a point now where I have to choose whose side I'm on. The Legions? NCR's? Mr. Houses? Yes Mans? Or mine? I kinda like the idea of betraying everyone and taking control of the Strip. Well obviously I'd need help from Yes Man and possibly some others too. We'll see.


Jacobstown and Rex

Yesterday I made my way to Jacobstown to get my cyberdog pal Rex's brain fixed. I got Rex off the King after I ran some errands for him and helped with the situation with the NCR. Anyway, Rex's brain transplant had kinda expired and Dr. Henry told me he needed to get a new one. The options for a new brain for Rex were:

Violetta, a fiend dog with 50% more speed
Rey, Old Lady Gibsons dog with +25 damage
Lupa, Caesars Legion dog with +10 damage take

I went for Violetta's Brain and Rex's operation is now finished. He seems to have recovered just great and gives me loads of happy barks and pant pant pant.

Jacobstown is a funky little mountain town filled with super mutants and nightkin. Don't stare at the nightkin! And dont bother Keene too much with your questions, he'll get impatient.

Greetings from Jacobstown! Here's me and Marcus.

New Vegas Favourites

This here is my current favourite on Radio New Vegas. Johnny Guitar is so last season.


Hard to find

I had some serious difficulties tryin to find both Mick & Ralph's and Cerulean Robotics, both part of the quest 'Wang Dang Atomic Tango'. I really enjoyed the quest, which basically consists of recruiting new employees to the Atomic Wrangler Casino/Whorehouse/Boozer.

Just in case others have had the same difficulties as me, here come the instructions to both locations.

Mick & Ralph's:

If you come to Freeside through the North Gate, walk past the Mormon Fort and turn left. The turn right and walk almost to the end of the road. On your left side you'll see a street leading to a colourful gate. Walk towards the gate and Mick &Ralph's is on your left side. Usually a chem dealer called Dixon also hangs outside the shop.

Freeside East Gate

Cerulean Robotics:

Enter Freeside through the North Gate, walk past the Mormon Fort and take a right towards a broken highway overpass and the city wall. Follow the road under the overpass and left. Keep on walking keeping the piles of concrete on your left. It looks like dead end road (that really confused me!) but soon you'll notice a path through the concrete and rubbish on your left. Follow the path through the concrete piles and you'll see a white/grey U-shape building. That's Cerulean Robotics.

First time for everything

Today I collected some debts around Freeside, revealed a tourist scam, lost a few caps on slot machines and roulette at Atomic Wrangler, recruited a ghoul hooker.. and had sex with a robot, sorry, a sexbot called Fisto. Must say I've had worse days. Even tho it kinda made my legs numb.

You've lost karma!

I'm now on level 10 and I've played 20-something hours so far.

While starting my character I decided to boost her skills especially in Science, Speech, Lockpick, Medicine and Sneak. Now I've paid more attention to Guns and Barter as well. At first I was also very into Energy Weapons - I was super excited after I got my first Incinerator off a dead Powder Ganger at Bison Steve's Casino in Primm - but the excitement wore off quite fast and for the last few fights I've stuck with my magnum, and of course a lead pipe for close combat.

I've been losing a lot of karma lately. I just like stealing more than buing - simple as that. And with the cannibalism perk.. well it aint gonna get any better. Who wouldnt love free HP off dead bodies. Just gotta make sure other people dont see. Hah. My companion, Veronica, doesnt mind tho. I found her at the 188 Trading Post and she's a champion. Really modest-looking but kicks some serious ass. And carries my heavy stuff.

At first I also thought the game's music is so awesome but in a couple of hours I could memorize all the lyrics to Johnny Guitar and Mr. New Vegas' introductions. My favourite being "Hey, hey, it's Mr. New Vegas letting you know I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon: Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it, on holotape."

I also bumped into that cowboy-robot Victor again. He's following me and I dont know why. I've got a feeling I'll find out later.


Oh yeah.

I'm totally into Fallout: New Vegas.
The story flows smoohtly and I like the fact that you have make an effort to find quests and missions - they don't come served on a plate. So far I've enjoyed all the quests, maybe apart from 'The Lucky Old Sun'. Too much running around and getting lost at the HELIOS One.

I'm now level 7 and Idolized in both Novac and Primm.


Enter Mojave

Spent a good couple of hours with Fallout: New Vegas last night and the experience was very pleasant in many ways.

Also being an open world FPS game, and from the same studios that created Skyrim, it's quite difficult not to compare the two. While Skyrim filled my head with mainline quests, side quest and misc quests from the start, Fallout gives more room to chill and think. I also love the VATS technology that allows you to stop time and aim.

The story so far has been ok. Not massively interesting but ok. I suppose the next thing to do is go and find out the fellas that tried to kill me. I also think I'll be hearing more of Victor the robot and mr. House. We'll see.


Bye Skyrim, Hello Fallout New Vegas

Here we go..


Kyne's Sacred Trials was somewhat of a disappointment. All the other god- and daedric quests have been so unique, challenging, even quirky. Kyne's Sacred Trials is mainly running back and forth killing a collection of guardian animals, including for example a skeever and a mudcrab. Very simple and very easy. For your efforts you'll get an amulet that increases damage from bows and reduces damage from animals. Bah. The only real challenge in this quest was finding Froki's Shack...

It's gettin even harder to find something interestin to do. The only quest at the moment that seems to be worth my time is the one with the Stones of Barenziah. BUT I've only got 11 and I kinda feelin like savin that one for later. Apart from that, there're a few dungeon quests - not my favourite type of quests anyway and the neverending ones. Thats it.
