

The Killing III: Mr. House

I decided to side with my robot mate, Yes Man and he suggested I'd get rid of Mr. House. It was quite a simple job and lots of fun, too.

1. Take the elevator up to the Penthouse at Lucky 38

2. On your left, on the wall near Mr. House's room will be a terminal that opens a secret door. Activate the terminal and enter the room. When the terminal is activated, an alarm will go off and Mr. House's Securitrons will attack you, so be fast or use a Stealth Boy.

3. In the hidden room, again on your left, is another terminal that needs to be activated as well. This terminal will open a way to the control room.

4. In the control room you'll find Mr. House in a life-support pod kinda thingy. Open the pod, do the dialogue. Kill him. He won't fight back.

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