

You've lost karma!

I'm now on level 10 and I've played 20-something hours so far.

While starting my character I decided to boost her skills especially in Science, Speech, Lockpick, Medicine and Sneak. Now I've paid more attention to Guns and Barter as well. At first I was also very into Energy Weapons - I was super excited after I got my first Incinerator off a dead Powder Ganger at Bison Steve's Casino in Primm - but the excitement wore off quite fast and for the last few fights I've stuck with my magnum, and of course a lead pipe for close combat.

I've been losing a lot of karma lately. I just like stealing more than buing - simple as that. And with the cannibalism perk.. well it aint gonna get any better. Who wouldnt love free HP off dead bodies. Just gotta make sure other people dont see. Hah. My companion, Veronica, doesnt mind tho. I found her at the 188 Trading Post and she's a champion. Really modest-looking but kicks some serious ass. And carries my heavy stuff.

At first I also thought the game's music is so awesome but in a couple of hours I could memorize all the lyrics to Johnny Guitar and Mr. New Vegas' introductions. My favourite being "Hey, hey, it's Mr. New Vegas letting you know I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon: Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it, on holotape."

I also bumped into that cowboy-robot Victor again. He's following me and I dont know why. I've got a feeling I'll find out later.

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