


Kyne's Sacred Trials was somewhat of a disappointment. All the other god- and daedric quests have been so unique, challenging, even quirky. Kyne's Sacred Trials is mainly running back and forth killing a collection of guardian animals, including for example a skeever and a mudcrab. Very simple and very easy. For your efforts you'll get an amulet that increases damage from bows and reduces damage from animals. Bah. The only real challenge in this quest was finding Froki's Shack...

It's gettin even harder to find something interestin to do. The only quest at the moment that seems to be worth my time is the one with the Stones of Barenziah. BUT I've only got 11 and I kinda feelin like savin that one for later. Apart from that, there're a few dungeon quests - not my favourite type of quests anyway and the neverending ones. Thats it.


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